Tuesday 23 February 2016

Getting Familiar with the Pros and Cons of Pedestal Wash Basin

Pedestal Wash Basin
Pedestal Wash Basin
Given the enhanced style and sophistication of modern bathrooms, it is not surprising that the companies manufacturing sanitary ware items have created innovative products for the same. However, there are still some traditional products that have retained their charm and appeal even amongst the vast collection of uniquely designed and stylish sanitary items. One such product is the pedestal wash basin, which has managed to hold on to its popularity and place within even the most stylish modern bathrooms. Read More...

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Selecting the correct wash basins India for your bathroom

Designer Wash Basins
Designer Wash Basins
Wash basin - the very name conjures up images of a slightly curved fitting made with ceramic and white color with a single tap or two water outlets. Well, things have changed over the last few years and these days wash basins are as stylish and designer as you can imagine. In fact the design of the entire bathroom has undergone a massive change and this is primarily due to change in ideology of what a bathroom exactly is. It is no longer a left over space in the house, to be kept away from guests and visitors. People these days keep a budget aside to specially design the bathroom and for its fittings. Read More...

Designing a small bathroom

Wall Hung Urinal
Wall Hung Urinal

There was a time when bathrooms were thought to be purely functional spaces. Not any more. These days bathrooms are looked upon as places to relax and rejuvenate after a hard day's work - they are more like a spa. What can go into the bathrooms of today is only limited by imagination. However, all this possible when the space and budget is not a constraint. If you have a small space in which to design your bathroom, help is available in the form of sanitary ware that does not take much space but does not compromise on functionality. Read More..

Monday 15 February 2016

All about Sanitary ware manufacturers in India

Sanitary ware brands in india
Sanitary ware brands in india
The sanitary ware industry in India is growing by leaps and bounds. There was a period when there were only a few companies manufacturing very basic sanitary ware fittings which left the customers with very little choice. However, of late there are a lot of international manufacturers who have either set up shop in India or who are retailing their product in the country. This had given a boost to the industry and taken it to a whole new level both in terms of technology and design.

Success stories

There are many a success stories amongst sanitary ware manufacturers in India. This is a direct result of the increased sales of bathroom accessories. There are many reasons for this primary one being the fact that the thought process behind the bathrooms is undergoing a change. People are no longer looking at bathrooms as purely functional spaces instead they are now like the pride of the house. People wish to get the best for their homes in sync with the latest available in the market. Also there is a strong influence of what is happening in other countries around the world. So people are asking for a bathroom that is also a wellness room. Some examples from this are the toilet that also tells you the sugar level, integrating a sauna and steam, Jacuzzi in the bath tub, sound therapy, spa like facilities etc. The manufacturers thus are not limited by budget and material and are able to provide the customer whatever is demanded.

Why is the Indian market suitable?

As a country, India offers are huge market for the sanitary ware manufacturers. Be it wash basins, bath tubs, cisterns, water closet, bidets, etc there are numerous designs for bathroom accessories and with a lot of construction activity going on the demand for these accessories has also gone up. Along with it there is also a market for special sizes, forms and color to blend with individual bathroom decor. The other thing that works in the favor of manufactures is that the cost of production in India is still low. This allows the manufacturers to play around with the cost. They can still afford to keep a large profit margin without actually increasing the cost of the final product.  These conditions make India a haven for sanitary ware manufacturers and they are encashing on this idea.

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Monday 8 February 2016

Taking A Look At The Constantly Evolving Modern Bathrooms

Bathroom Vanity Designs
Bathroom Vanity Designs
Long gone are the days, when bathrooms used to be nothing more than a dank and often smelly functional room of the house. Modern bathrooms are often the showpiece of the house owing to their stylish décor and state-of the art accessories and futuristic gizmos installed within these rooms. Apart from the use of accessories and gizmos, people are also focusing on finding innovative storage solutions in the form of bathroom vanity designs that are not only functional but also good looking. This has helped in improving the overall look and appeal of the bathrooms and making them a room of pride for the homeowners. Read More...

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Going beyond the ordinary wash basins

Wash basin with cabinet
Wash basin with cabinet

A wash basin is the most essential part of every household bathroom, toilets, commercial complex, Hotels, restaurants, etc. They are not just restricted to only a sink to wash hands. 100s of people visit your place; a look of your bathroom leaves a lasting impression on your guest’s mind. Yes, it is not just about your hall/bedroom design.

If planned properly, you can enhance the look of the bathroom as well as utilize the bathroom space in a smart way. Read More...

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Choosing the right Bathroom Vanity from the right Dealer

Bathroom vanity designs
Bathroom vanity designs
Source : http://bit.ly/1OMG3m5
A bathroom vanity happens to be a first rate investment towards utilizing the available space, which is likely to add worth to your property. A well chosen vanity significantly enhances the appearance of any bathroom, besides giving it a cleaner and organized look. It is not necessary to have a big budget when you wish to make such changes in the bathroom.  Choosing the right kind of bathroom vanity designs can help in changing the entire look of the bathroom in a simple and cost effective manner. There is nothing more interesting than giving your bathroom a new look. Read More...